About Us

Diva Queen Trust is government registered Trust which was established in 2019.

It aims at Empowering Nation and provides a truly conducive environment which is instrumental in the success of the Nation builders ie. Principals/ Head of an Institution Teachers and other individuals from varied professions along with other stake holders. It was formed with an idealistic vision under the able guidance of Ms. Jyoti Handa who is the founder of Diva Queen Trust with more than 2 decades of experience in education and corporate sector.

Diva Queen is the unique leaders training trust in India which supports the people from all walks of lives. Our Skill Development modules are government recognized and unlocks more opportunities of success and growth.

Our Skill Development Trainings focuses technology and right expertise to empower people from all walks of lives by enriching them with creativity, reasoning abilities along with problem solving strategies. All our Trainings are designed in such a way which open new doors of opportunities as per the interest of individuals.

Diva Queen firmly believes that Education is the mother of leadership and is the art of making a man ethical. It aims to inculcate the values of integrity, honesty, team spirit, faith , dedication, compassion and commitment among all .

Moreover DQ Trust is a global platform working endlessly for noble cause.

Our Approach

►All the Trainings will be provided by a group of educators under the able guidance of our Founder & Chairperson Ms. Jyoti Handa who has been coaching and training people on their presentation skills for more than 2 decades & is also a recipient of many awards in India & abroad.

Ms. Handa has helped thousand’s of people find employment through her targeted training guides, videos, and courses you are guaranteed to increase your chances of landing your next opportunity on the very first attempt!

►Now, through the power of Diva Queen's online platform, we are able to give you the same high quality training that we provide to Directors/ Heads of an Institution/ CEOs, Fortune 500 executives etc.

►The Organization is focused to support and enhance teachers & tutors professionalism. It offers them access to high quality research, demonstrate credibility and sustainability, facilitate the sharing of practice, educators well being, and represent and amplify their capabilities.

►All our eminent educators from all over the world are in our editorial board which connects research findings to classroom practice. It supports the teaching community by enabling teachers to share and reflect on their own use of research.

►Our teachers can learn from a wide range of original research articles and expert perspectives from teachers,school leaders and academicians.

►Diva Queen is at the forefront of innovation and training. We host a Future of Training Conference & Principal's Conclave where educationists from all over the world speak about new ideas, practices, and methodologies in training.

►The Diva Queen Trust status will recognize the knowledge, skills and behavior of our excellent teachers & tutors highlighting the importance of their expertise in teaching.

►The Diva Queen Trust skill based Trainings offers an accredited, career long professional development pathway which is an excellent platform for all to be a 'Global Teacher' With our team of best corporate trainers in India, we have been able to serve top 500 fortune companies with their people and business performance issues also along with providing support to Tutors.

Our Working

►We empower Nation at every stage of their career: from learning to enlightenment.

►We offer a range of courses, to suit all schedules, interests and ambitions. This includes, full-time intensive study, part-time modular courses and short courses along with internship.

►Also providing live classes pan India from our best faculties & successful teachers get a chance to work with DPS Modern group of schools.

►Also providing Home Tutor all over India( Subject to availability ) due to huge demands of our highly trained teachers & tutors.

►Our tutors are tested by our self exam department,they are highly professional tutors, retired school teachers, writers, grad students, language instructors, and educators with long years of tutoring experience pan India .

►Each of our aspiring teachers & tutors undergoes Diva Queen Trust internal screening process and a background check.

►Rigorous Project Work

►Master the data science skills through 25 in-class real-world projects and case studies from industry partners. Practical exams, hackathon, capstone project and mock interviews to prepare you for placements.

► Dedicated in producing future global educators who will not only be equipped with contemporary teaching techniques but will show a deeper understanding of teaching methodologies which they can put into practice in diverse classrooms across the globe.

► Backed by 35 years of research, our job oriented skill based trainings helps you excel in your choice of profession.

► Diva Queen's pedagogy equips and empower Nation for high-paying jobs, faster promotions, and most importantly, a joyful teaching career worldwide.

► 4,00,000+ People Trained

► Job placement assistance from partner Schools/ Colleges/ Universities/companies are published, applied to, and tracked to success via an online platform (offered in partnership with Diva Queen Trust )

► All the programmes are conducted by Diva Queen Research and Educational Team ( Regd. Society)

► Coming soon a learning centre for our courses in your home district.

► If you want to open our learning centre in your district, give us your detail & contact us ASAP at +91 9891579342

►Pursue our Online Job- Oriented skill based Trainings from Diva Queen Trust pioneer in providing Quality Education for a rewarding & fulfilling career. REGISTER NOW !!!

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